
We Can (Still) See Vista 44!

Dan Gregory November 6, 2019

On Monday, November 4, members of the Hopkins City Council voted 4-1 to table the land use application for the homes at Vista 44. Beacon was disappointed in the council’s decision to postpone a vote on Vista 44 despite recommendations from city staff and the Hopkins Planning and Zoning Commission to approve our application. However, we are working quickly to schedule a time to answer the council’s remaining questions. Clearing up their concerns in advance of looming deadlines will be important as we continue moving forward together in good faith.

Our community values of family, diversity, equity, opportunity, and choice were on full display from residents supporting Vista 44. It was also abundantly clear that Beacon’s proposal is strong. We’ve been responsive to the city and neighbors as we’ve sized and designed the building, ensuring it’s aligned with the city’s stated development goals – the elements truly being voted on in a land use approval such as this.

We wholeheartedly agree with the councilmembers’ praise of the work city staff performed to ensure Vista 44 met and exceeded requirements for this site. We were also honored to receive the praise of the council regarding our strong track record of quality development, our selection of Volunteers of America Minnesota and Wisconsin as a well-respected service provider for Vista 44, and the thoughtful and responsive accommodations we have made throughout the process to ensure Vista 44 is an exceptional addition to the diverse Hopkins community. Thank you to EVERYONE who showed up to bear witness to this important vote and be part of the process!

In particular, we appreciate the vocal support of Councilmember Brian Hunke for Vista 44. We thank him for receiving feedback from his constituents and making his decision based on the merits of our land use application. Beacon encourages our members to support the council’s efforts to focus on the scope and substance of the vote they need to cast: a vote on our land use application.

As we move forward, the question before the council remains whether Beacon’s proposal for Vista 44 meets city requirements for development at this site. We believe the answer is a resounding and simple “yes.” The council indicated that they want and need to hear from residents before they make their decision. Call to share your support today. Ask the council to vote “yes.” Direct your emails and messages to Jason Lindahl, Hopkins City Planner (to share with the mayor and council members): or (952) 548-6342.

This process demonstrates the importance of showing up and working together to advance equitable housing for our communities. Make plans to attend the launch of family supportive housing in Scott County on December 5 to carry our message and values forward! Sign up today at: